To-do lists. To-do lists are ridiculous. I hate them, with a passion. Yes, they help me feel organized, and sometimes even accomplished (when I can mark things on them off). But in all reality they just stress me out. Looking at the huge list of things I am supposed to get done, just makes doing them seem so tedious...and well, not really worth my time. This is my to-do list for this upcoming week. It is packed full of things I don't really want to do. Actually, out of the 7, I can honestly say I only really want to do like 2 of them. And there is more to come, I am sure.
There is no rest for the wicked, as my Uncle Shane always says. And I would have to agree. It feels like it is never ending. It is ok though, because I just keep trucking. I am thankful to have things to do. It would be a really lame life without them.