Thursday, May 20, 2010

365 Project-#42

Had to do a little altering to this photo. Just because it was so extremely bright when I was outside. This called a "sundog" in my family, and i have never actually seen a full one like this in the middle of the day. I have seen them around the moon a lot, but never at mid-day like this one was. It was kinda cool. I was laying in the front yard reading my book when I put my hands up to block the sun. And there it was, a perfect 360* circle. Here is an article telling more about it....

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

365 Project-#41

Horses. I have been obsessed with them since I can remember. I love them, and I especially love their colts. We saw in this field three little colts. This one was my favorite though, because he is so different than his Momma. I love horses so much, and I really love taking pictures of them.

Monday, May 10, 2010

365 Project-#40

Freak ice storm? I think not. It is May here in Utah, and thought that means it still might snow, we hardly ever get ice like this (especially this time of year). So you ask...what in the world happened, and where did this picture come from? Well, my grandpa (along with everyone else in the Basin) usually leaves his sprinklers on over night. If they do not do this the grass catches up with them and they have burnt yellow grass for the rest of the summer. It just so happens that some nights it also freezes while the sprinklers are on. This makes for awesome pictures. The ice melts soon the next day and everyone (including the grass) is happy. I have more pictures and I just might post another one tomorrow.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

365 Project-#39

"Snips and snails and puppy dog tails" That is the rhyme my Mom used to say to me when I was little, explaining what little boys were made of. After taking this picture of my cousin Kaden this weekend, I think I would have to agree. As soon as Kaden and his family arrived in Duchense I asked him if he wanted to go out and see the puppies. "Puppies?" came his little reply. As soon as I rounded the corner of the house I knew I would be out there for a while watching my baby cousin play with the pups. The puppies were troopers, letting Kaden pick them up and carry them by their necks around the yard. Most of the weekend he just wanted to be outside with them tromping around the yard and exclaiming, "Puppies!!" I think I have truly found what makes little boys (well, at least makes their day!)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

365 Project-#38

Lazy summer days. That is what life is all about folks. This is my friend Hannah (on the left) and my room mate Michelle (right). Today as we were "hanging" out Hannah decided to do Michelle's hair, since she just got a cute new cut this last week. As we sat laughing at one another I couldn't help but feel happy. I love the summer time, and I love that none of us have anything real to do. There are books to be read of course, and some sun to be soaked up, but all in all that is about it. And I love it. I am glad I have good friends, and that we can enjoy good times together.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

365 Project-#37

"Good eye!" was the exclamation I made today as my cousin Linds watched this high pitch go by, not swinging (though as you can tell by her stance, she really wanted to) and walking to first base. 10 years ago you would have found me in Linds' shoes....14 years old playing freshman softball. I remember it like it was yesterday. I love softball almost as much now as I did then. Watching on the other hand kills me sometimes.

I wish I could take the knowledge I have now and either give it to someone who is currently playing, or go back in time and play myself. I think I like the second option better.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

365 Project-#36

We went to the lake yesterday and as we were driving we found this beaver dam. It was quite the site to see. It amazes me how little beavers are and how much they can do in a short amount of time. I thought this made a pretty sweet looking picture, for being so simple. I am glad we have simple things in life.