50 Nifty birthday's galore! Today, the 1st day of April, happens to be one of my favorite holidays. The reasoning behind this is two-fold. First, it is April Fool's day. The day when you get to prank everyone you know with ridiculously funny things. I love it. It and St. Patrick's day are my favorite holidays! Second, it is my Uncle Shane's birthday. Today's post is a tribute to him.
Uncle Shane was born April 1st 1960. That my friends was a long time ago. He is the first of 7 children. As you can tell from this picture the man has quite a sense of humor. He really amazes me sometimes. Uncle Shane is one of the best guys you will ever meet. He is willing to do almost anything for anyone. He teaches the third grade, and influences the kids he teaches more than he will probably ever know. He is the best fisherman I've ever seen...and can catch a fish no matter where we might choose to cast our lines. He is also a pretty darn good hunter. I saw him once hit a deer at 300 yards, in the dark, with a 4 power scope. He is also the best basketball player I know. Put him on the outside arc almost to the corner, plant him on one foot, and watch him put it in all day long. He is the raiser of birds...pigeons to be exact. He takes care of these birds like they are family. He is also an athlete. Running 6, 7, sometimes 8 miles a day (which just blows my mind...especially at his age!) Just kidding Uncle Shane!
He is the jack of all trades, that Uncle of mine. He can do almost anything, once he puts his mind to it, and usually does. There are so many amazing qualities that he possess, that I can't even begin to list them on this page. To even try to do so would pale in comparison to who he really is.
He is my "go to" guy when I need advice or help. Heck, he is my "go to" guy for almost everything. I love him more than anything And I am very thankful that he is my Uncle. I am thankful to have him in my life. I know that I wouldn't be who I am today without the influences of this man. He has saved my life on a number of occasions. Literally and figuratively. And I can only hope that he knows, even a little, of what he means to me.
50 birthdays Uncle Shane! Let's make it 50 more!! I love you!!